Gotham Primary School, Kegworth Road, Gotham, Nottingham NG11 0JS


 Currently, we have single year group classes in FS2, Year 4,5 and 6. Year 1, 2 and 3 work in mixed age classes. In FS2 and KS1, we keep classes at 30 or under. In KS2, we try to keep each of these under 30 wherever we can. Our pupil admission number (PAN) is 30 and our capacity is 210.

First admissions to school
To apply for a school place at Gotham Primary you will need to contact Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions (Nottingham City Council if you live within the City Boundary).

Details about the application process for those of you who live in Nottinghamshire, including ‘when to apply’, can be found at

For anyone who lives within Nottingham City, please find details of how to apply at

Foundation Stage 2 pupils are admitted into our school in the September following their 4th birthday. The children who join our school come from a wide variety of pre-school settings, so to ensure a smooth transition we set up opportunities for them to visit, and for our FS2 Teacher to visit the children in their setting. We hold an Induction Meeting for new parents in the summer term to introduce key members of staff and outline the provision of our school.

During the first week in school, our reception pupils attend during the morning session only in order to acclimatise them into the school routine.

Transferring from another school (In-year Admissions)
Children sometimes transfer to our school from another school. If you wish your child to transfer from another school to us you need to contact Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions on 0300 500 8080 to apply for a school place or visit

We invite all new pupils to visit the school and we will arrange an appointment so that you can accompany your child on a tour of the school and answer any queries that you may have.

Nottinghamshire County Council is our admissions authority. The links below take you to documentation that explains the current arrangements for admissions and those for next academic year.

Nottinghamshire Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Nottinghamshire Admission Arrangements 2024-2025
Nottinghamshire Admissions Arrangements 2023-2024
Nottinghamshire Admissions Arrangements 2022-2023