Gotham Primary School, Kegworth Road, Gotham, Nottingham NG11 0JS

Online Safety

As a school, we take Online Safety incredibly seriously. The internet and social media offer fantastic learning opportunities but they also pose risks to children and adults. Within school, we use Project Evolve to support our delivery of Online safety. The progression in learning can be seen within our PSHE progression. Opportunities for reinforcement of knowledge also takes place throughout the curriculum and within computing. The nature of the online world means that it is ever changing and keeping up can be a challenge. There are many resources to help you with this, if you would like to learn more about the various elements of Online Safety – we would recommend that you visit the following sites.

    • EE Phone Smartthis site has help and advice for parents and carers, and hosts the ‘EE Phone Smart’ interactive learning programme for children. This programme is free, it aims to support children as they get their first/new phone and helps them to learn how to stay safe as they have fun online.